Phoenix Bird


By: Ron
The One Who Walks Two Paths

Where would we be without garlic? It's used all over the world in wonderful dishes. Want a different taste to those plain old mashed potatoes? Add a couple of cloves of garlic to the water when you add the raw potatoes and remove before mashing.

Garlic is really pretty easy to save. Just remember to save the largest bulbs you harvest and out of those bulbs only plant the largest of the cloves. I have never had much luck planting my garlic in the fall, as the groundhogs and assorted critters always dug them up and filled their bellies. I plant my garlic when I plant peas, as soon as the soil can be worked, which in my Zone 5 is March. I harvest the bulbs when all the foliage dies back in July and braid the softneck, cut the stems off the stiffneck and store in a warm dry place. For me, that is in the basement near the furnace.