A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origin of Gun Control in America
An Interview With Our Founding Fathers -- The 2nd Amendment
Bill of Rights
Cornell Law - Second Amendment
Correspondence and Other Writings of Seven Major Shapers of the United States
GunHoo: Gun Pages Central
Gun Quotes From Our Founding Fathers - 2nd Amendment
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Our Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment
Rick's Firearm Page - RKBA Information
Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Law Library
Second Amendment - Right to Bear Arms
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.
The History of the Second Amendment
The Original Intent of the Second Amendment...
The Racist Origins of Gun Control
What did the founding fathers really say about guns?
What is the Second Amendment and How Is It Defined?
Women Against Gun Control
Women's Firearm Network