Phoenix Bird


Re-posted from FAIRS

Table 2. Relative life expectancy of vegetable seeds stored under favorable conditions. 1
Vegetable Years Vegetable Years
Asparagus 3 Kohlrabi 3
Bean 3 Leek 2
Beet 4 Lettuce 6
Broccoli 3 Martynia 2
Brussels sprouts 4 Muskmelon 5
Cabbage 4 Mustard 4
Cardoon 5 New Zealand spinach 3
Carrot 3 Okra 2
Cauliflower 4 Onion 1
Celeriac 3 Parsley 1
Celery 3 Parsnip 1
Chard, Swiss 4 Pea 3
Chervil 3 Pepper 2
Chicory 4 Pumpkin 4
Chinese cabbage 3 Radish 5
Ciboule 2 Roselle 3
Collard 5 Rutabaga 4
Corn, sweet 2 Salsify 1
Corn salad 5 Scorzonera 2
Cress, garden 5 Sea kale 1
Cress, water 5 Sorrel 4
Cucumber 5 Southern pea 3
Dandelion 2 Spinach 3
Eggplant 4 Squash 4
Endive 5 Tomato 4
Fennel 4 Turnip 4
Kale 4 Watermelon 4
1 Adapted from Oscar A. Lorenz and Donald N. Maynard, Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers , 3rd Edition (1988). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons.